Friday, March 29, 2013

Family Day out in the Backyard!

Today was Family Day in the Backyard! My parents usually come over every month or so to help me do some heavy maintenance in the backyard. We had lunch first, with my Sister and Joe, who came back to our house for a quick visit before they had to leave. Dick was working from home today, and managed to get out for a bit to help us, too! Yay!

We had a lot to do today: my parents brought 12 bags of bark to spread. It's been two years since we last did it, and what a difference it makes! We also planned on trimming and shaping some of the taller hedges, mowing the lawn, edging, and general weeding.

We got a LOT done in a few hours time, and the yard looks fantastic.

Thanks, as always, Mom and Dad! We always appreciate all of your hard work, and willingness to help.

Christopher is cooking dinner for all of us now. What a nice day with family.

Dad, getting ready to start the work on the yard. Here he is with our 12 bags of bark

Mom supervising Dick as he shapes the hedges

My sister, up on the balcony, sipping water, saying, "Sorry I can't help out! Gotta go! :)

Dick mowing, my Mom trimming bushes, and Dad spreading the bark

Look how pretty!

Backyard from up high

Dad, relaxing outside, enjoying the view

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