Pretty, isn't it?
Somewhere along the hiking trails in the Presidio, I picked up what I thought was some kind of bite on Saturday along our training walk.
I didn't see anything bite me, but I remember feeling a little prick, and when I checked it out on our next break, I noticed two little bumps.
By the time I got home that afternoon, the bumps had grown into one large blister. Ick.
Not sure what it is with me and mystery bites - especially this year!
I didn't think too much about it, so I put a large band-aid on it and continued on my long walk on Sunday.
By Sunday night, the blister had started to drain, so I figured that was the end of it.
Well, Monday morning, the blister was back in its full glory. Everyone who has seen this beast in person has agreed that it's pretty questionable looking and that I should see my doctor. Especially, given what happened with the bite on my hand a couple of months ago.
I called my Doctor's office Monday morning. Unfortunately, my regular doctor is out for a couple of weeks, and the earliest opening they had (with another doctor) was Wednesday morning (today).
I just returned from that appointment.
After hearing where I was this weekend, the doctor said it could either be a bite, or possibly Poison Oak. nice.
He punctured the blister and took a sample to send to the lab. I should have the results on Friday.
In the meantime, he prescribed me an anti-inflammatory ointment which he told me to use on all bites - since I seem to be so susceptible to them. He also gave me some samples of an antibacterial ointment to use on this one for a few days.
I'm supposed to let him know if these bite/rash grows or becomes any more inflamed over the next few days, at which point, he'll prescribe an oral antibiotic.
So, don't know for sure what it is, but hopefully, it'll clear up soon.
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