I went into Costco today to buy some printer ink. The ink was the only item I needed today, so I intended to make it a quick in-and-out. Well, on my way to the ink aisle, I passed by the garden aisles.
They had several different plants available, including these very cool tomato plants!
What makes these so cool and exciting? Well, they are already mature, and beginning to fruit. I've had a few tomato plants in the past, and bought them when they were very young and small, put them in planter boxes, and had to care for them for quite a while before they were this established.
The second, and even more exciting (to me, at least) part?!
They came in these great compostable pots, complete with their own tomato cage!
For me, this means: easier, less messy, less hassle tomato plants!
I had given away our tomato planters to a neighbor when we moved a couple of years ago because I didn't like that I only used them for a few months a year, then didn't have a place for them. I also had to take the old plant out, and then put in fresh soil each season, etc., I realize that none of this is a big deal, but it was more work than I wanted to do.
Problem was, Dick was a little bummed that I had gotten rid of the tomato planters. He loves homegrown tomatoes.
So, here's our perfect solution! Yay!
Oh, the other exciting part: $9.99 each.
You gotta love Costco.
I got two kinds, figuring it's good to have a variety, and also because I'm not sure which one would do better in our climate/conditions. The tags showed 8 different varieties, but I only two that were available today.
this one is labeled "Better Boy", which I seem to recall we may have had before. This plant already has a few tomatoes growing on it, which seems like a good sign.
this one is labeled "Pear Yellow". It has some tiny tomatoes growing, and a few flowers blooming already.
I brought them home, put them on deck, which gets more sun than the rest of the backyard. I also gave them some water.
Let's see how they grow! :)
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