Saturday's walk route
Yesterday morning, I met with several participants of the upcoming 2013 Immediate Impact Walk for a pre-season training walk. We met for a 6-mile training walk, but also to have the opportunity to be interviewed for a local radio show segment.
Peter Finch, radio personality from KGO (and formally of KFOG) came with us on the entire 6-miles to interview us for one of his segments of his program "The Finch Files".
Peter had heard about our local walk through one of his personal friends, who is one of our participants. He thought it would make a perfect story for one of his 3-minute segments.
He was a total trooper, and hung with us the entire 6-miles, talking with us all along the way.
It certainly wasn't an easy walk, either! Linda's map took us up and down the Battery to Bluffs Trail, up to Immigrant Point Lookout, and throughout the Presidio. It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful walk.
Peter managed to interview each of the walkers, and will put together a 3-minute segment that will be aired several times later this week. What an amazing opportunity for us to get the word out about our local walking event.
Our formal training season will not begin until mid-June, but it was certainly nice to get in a 6-mile pre-season walk with the team yesterday. It's been a long time since I have had a chance to see and spend quality time with these wonderful friends.
I'll post a link to the Immediate Impact Walk episode of The Finch Files once it becomes available later this week.
It was a gorgeous, sunny day for a walk!
Peter Finch and our walkers in front of The Warming Hut
Peter Finch meeting and doing a quick interview of each walker
pretty day and great views!
starting our way down the Battery to Bluffs Trail
...and coming up on the other side
everyone made it all the way to the top!
climbing up towards Immigrant Point Lookout
making our way back to The Warming Hut
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