Saturday, September 28, 2013

Greetings from Cape Town!!

After a long day of travel (boat, car, plane, tram, tram, plane, car...) we arrived in Cape Town yesterday evening.

The cooler temps were welcomed change after the 100 degree+ weather that we had in Livingstone. :)

It was dark when we arrived last night, so we were unable to see the view from our balcony. When I woke up this morning, imagine my surprise when I opened the drapes in our room!!!

On a side note, here's something I posted in Facebook last night:
Greetings from Cape Town! Apparently, my reputation precedes me. We're staying at a lovely hotel filled with Master and Contemporary South African paintings. I was taking them all in when we first arrived, and one of my friends mentioned that I was an artist. Our host said, "Oh, yes. I know - I've read her blog!" Oh, dear...

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