Thursday, August 07, 2014

DCI 2014 in Theaters

Tonight was DCI Quarterfinals in Indianapolis, which is also shown LIVE in theaters around the country. It's an awesome way to watch the top 15 drum corps.

Lucky for me, my Cinemark Theater in Downtown Bellevue was one of the theaters showing DCI. It started at 3:30, and was scheduled for 5-1/2 hours! Oh, my! I went last year with Carol, and really enjoyed it, so I figured I'd do it all again. I was there just before 3:30, and was slightly surprised to see that I wasn't the only one in the theater. I mean, really, how many people in Bellevue, Washington are going to be interested in DCI? There were probably about 20 people in total in the entire audience, which was pretty nice.

My friend, Teena, joined me for the top 12. She used to march in Santa Clara Vanguard, and had toured with their Souvie Truck all summer until last weekend. It was fun to watch with her!

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