Sunday, April 29, 2012

Up in the Air and layover in Frankfurt

We've arrived in Frankfurt. We have a short layover here before catching our flight to Rome.

The flight was fantastic. 10+ hours was very smooth and seemingly quick. We both got some decent sleep as well.

One of the very cool features in the inboard entertainment system was the 3 camera angles of the outside of the plane. One angle was from the nose of the plane looking directly forward, the next was down by the wheels looking directly below, and the last was on the tail looking forward and showing the entire plane. Super cool during take-off and landing.

I've attached a couple of photos from camera 3 - the first shows the runway in SF as we're about to take off, and another as we flew over the Golden Gate Bridge.

I took one more photo of the ginormous plane after we landed.

While inside the Frankfurt airport, I took a photo of one of the many Smoking Booths. They are tiny, and you can smell them from several feet away.

The last photo shows the hot dog bar in the Lufthansa Business Lounge. I just thought it was picture worth

Yay for free WiFi at the airport!! Next stop: Rome! :)

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