Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Little Fire Hydrant That Could

Yesterday was the 106th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Each year, the city has various ceremonies to honor the memory of the victims and the few remaining survivors.

Another annual ceremony is the painting of the fire hydrant on the corner of 20th and Church Street. The heroic fire hydrant at 20th and Church Streets is known for saving the the Mission District from the great fire that followed the earthquake, and it is honored with a ceremonial wreath-laying and a fresh coat of gold paint. (although, it looks like yesterday it was accidentally sprayed with silver paint before that mistake was corrected!)

The fire hydrant sits on a corner across Dolores Park, which I walk through almost every day. I thought I'd take a photo of it this morning of the freshly painted gold hydrant with its ceremonial wreath. :)

The heroic fire hydrant that saved the Mission District with its ceremonial wreath

The plaque by the hydrant explaining its significance in saving part of San Francisco from the fires

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