It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of our dear kitty, Marcel.
Marcel passed away early this afternoon, after having fought a hard battle against his ailing kidneys. He had been diagnosed in late December, but after taking antibiotics, eating prescription food, and receiving IV fluids on a routine basis, his heath improved tremendously until last week. The last couple of days were especially hard, and it became apparent that it was time for us to let him go.
I was able to find a wonderful veterinarian, (Dr. Bolivar of Vets on Wheels) to come to our house to take care of Marcel here in our home. It made a huge difference to me, Dick, and I'm sure Marcel, that he was able to spend his last moments on his bed, on his blankie, with people who loved him.
We will miss Marcel tremendously. He was such a special kitty. He gave us a lifetime of happy memories in the nearly 9 years that he lived with us.

August, 2008
Dick and I adopted Marcel from the San Francisco SPCA on June 4, 2000. Marcel had only been dropped off from his previous owner less than one week before. His previous owner had left a 3-page letter with him, explaining what a remarkable cat Marcel was, and how it broke his heart to have to give him up (the owner traveled too much for work, and knew it wasn't fair to Marcel to leave him alone so often).
Dick and I had seen a picture of Marcel on the SPCA's website. We recognized him from his name and picture when we first saw him. The SPCA has separate little kitty condos for each adoptable cat. There was a volunteer playing with Marcel when we saw him, and they invited us in. Dick sat down on the floor, and Marcel immediately walked up onto his lap, sat down, and started purring.

Marcel's SF SPCA page
We always say that Marcel chose Dick, and that he must have known that we would give him a good home. He slept with us in our bed that very first night.

Marcel & Dick getting acquainted on his first day home.
Marcel was the most hospitable cat I've ever known. He was happy to sit on anyone's lap, and loved anyone who would pet him. Marcel loved sleeping with me - I called him my "teddy bear cat". I would often wake up with Marcel sleeping in the crook of my arm, with his paw across my chest, and his head against my shoulder. It was as if he was always giving me a big hug.

My Cuddle Cat
Marcel purred on-demand. All he needed was one touch, and his purring motor would get started. He liked to sit on Dick's lap as he played piano, and often sat on my lap while I worked on my computer.

Marcel - the piano cat

The Food Connoisseur
He loved food, and he loved to eat. The poor little guy was on a diet almost the entire time that we had him. He would stand on his hind-legs and give me a "high five" when I offered him a treat.

"High Five, Marcel!"
He loved to pull and bite on buttons on clothing (we called him the "button-biting cat"), and would give us love nips on our noses. He loved his buddy, Claude, and was not-so-secretly in love with him. :)

Kitty Love
We called him our "big cat" because he usually weighed in around 16 lbs (as opposed to Noe's 8.5 lbs.) He was a chatty boy who could hold a decent conversation of back-and-forth "meows" with you.

The Big Cat - in all his glory
He was a good big brother cat to little Noe. Every time we trim Noe's claws, she always screams and fusses like we're doing something terrible to her. It never failed: Marcel would always come in from another room, meowing, to make sure that "the kitten" was okay.

Marcel and Noe
He was a love-bug. He was always ready for a good cuddle, and would fall asleep, purring in our arms.
He was always such a good sport about being in our Christmas Cards every year, although I think he secretly hated that I always made him wear the reindeer antler hat. He never actually told me that, though.

Christmas, 2004
We're going to miss our "Big Kitty". Life won't be the same without him.
I am comforted knowing that he was never in any pain, and that he was home with me when he passed away.
We have many, many wonderful and funny memories of Marcel. There will never be another kitty like him.
Rest in Peace, Big Cat. We will always love you.

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