Saturday, February 17, 2018

So Kok (Kok Jai)

My friend, Beatrice, posted a photo on Facebook the other day that she was making So Kok with her children for Chinese New Year.

I immediately recognized them as a special treat from my childhood! These were something that my Grandma Chow used to make, and I absolutely loved them. I realize how, as an adult, that I didn't know anything about them.

Bea has told me that they are a traditional Chinese New Year treat that she used to make with her Mom and her Grandma. She said you can usually only find the So Kuk wrappers at Asian Grocery stores around this time of the year. 

She was incredibly thoughtful and he drops, and delivered some So Kok to me yesterday. They are as delicious as I remember!! She also brought me a package of So Kok wrappers so I can attempt to make some!!

I've looked up the recipe online, and found a couple:

I'm hoping that maybe I can get together with my Mom to try to make them together.

Sent from my iPhone- please ignore any inadvertent  autocorrect typos. :)

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