Friday, February 16, 2018


Bark! Not the dog kind, but the mulch kind. 😊

I had a huge truck load of bark delivered and spread in our backyard yesterday. It has been at least three years since the last time we laid a fresh layer of bark in the flowerbeds (thanks, Mom and Dad!) so we were long overdue. I decided to hire the same guys who trimmed down the hedges last week. I figured it would be a good time to have it done since everything was freshly cleared out and weeded.

My parents used to help out by going to Home Depot and filling their SUV with about a dozen bags of mulch. I just cannot ask them to do that anymore, and it would take too many trips in my MINI Cooper. Plus, carrying all those bags to the backyard just seemed like too much much for me to tackle.

Anyhow, it looks great, and I'm really glad yo have it done!

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