We had many Creep 'O Rama regulars, some friends who haven't been able to make it for several years, and many first-timers as well. I think we had around 40 people in total.
It was really fun decorating the new house, and thinking of new things to do with our stuff. We have a decent sized lawn in our backyard, so we were able to make a haunted cemetery for the very first time! :)
Halloween Backyard by day
Halloween Backyard by night
We turned our dining room into a haunted dungeon...
Haunted Dungeon - where the food is ;)
...and had a couple of new effects around the house.
Dick and I dressed as "Chow Fun" and "Chow Mein".
(The correct pronunciation is "Chow Men", versus "Chow Main")
These costumes turned out to be great. I confess that I didn't make them, though that was my original plan when I thought of the idea last year. Then, I found out that I could buy them pre-made (and much better quality than I could ever do) right off of amazon.com! :)
It was a gorgeous, warm night - probably in the mid-60s, so we were able to open the party up onto the deck, and out to the backyard. So wonderful! We also took a stroll around Castro street around Midnight, and caught the tail end of the party down there.
It was a very fun evening, as always. Thanks to all who came!!!