Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bruised/Black Toe

Uh oh.

I've managed to either bruise my big toe under the nail, or it's "Black Toe", something apparently not uncommon for people who do long-distance training.

I first noticed that my toe nail was really sore after last weekend's 28-mile walk. It felt fine the next day, so I had high hopes of it not manifesting into anything. A few days later, I started to see the discoloration. Bummer.

The last time this happened to me was 20 years ago when I was still in guard. I blamed it in the Boot Dance in State Street, 1992. Eventually, my whole toe nail fell off. Yes, quite pretty. ;) it grew back several months later. I don't remember any pain associated though, so if it has to happen again, I'm hoping for the best.

This time around, it could have been caused by my brave/stupid decision to wear new shoes on a 28-mile weekend. (although, really, it felt fine during the entire walk.) A fellow-walker friend just posted a link that suggests that black toe is caused by not getting enough electrolytes or low sodium during long distance training. I'll try to work on that.

Hoping this thing manages to heal without my losing my nail!

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