Monday, October 27, 2003

Southern Cal fires


Really bad fires down in Southern Cal. I'm hoping that all of my friends who are down there are okay.

I talked with Mykail yesterday. He lives in San Diego. he said the fires were about 10 minutes from him, and he didn't think that he'd have to evacuate. He packed a bag, and was ready to leave, just in case.

The description he gave was really surreal: he said it looks like the first fall of snow outside - only it's ash. The sky was black - this was at 3:00 in the afternoon. He described how all of the TV stations were only covering the fires... until the local FOX station had to go off the air because they had the evacuate the TV station.

It's really awful. If you're one of my Southern Cal friends, and just happen to be reading this, please check in.

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