Saturday's Route
It was an overcast, chilly, foggy and wet morning for a big 16-mile training walk!!
We met in the Presidio at 6:30am, then Linda took us all over San Francisco. Highs were only in the mid-50s for most of the walk, so we were bundled up. Some of the highlights included going through the walking trails of Sutro Forest. It was so damp from all the thick fog that it was raining on us. I'm pretty sure it was the only place in San Francisco with rain!!
We also walked through Glen Canyon and later Billy Goat Hill. There were again lots and lots of steep hills and many staircases. The last big hill of the day was up and over 17th Street.
We finished on time just after 1:30pm which is pretty good for this length of walk. As usual, we made plenty of pit stops as well as two grocery store stops to fuel up.
By the end of the walk, the sun was peaking out, but still in the low 60s and overcast.