Monday, January 12, 2015

Feeling like a Platelet Super Hero

After being deferred from having too high of a platelet count last week, I had to have a sample drawn and donated whole blood instead.

I called the center three days later, and got the all-clear to donate platelets again. My platelet count from last week was down to 511.

I leaned last week that an average normal high is 250-350.

I felt like a bit of a celebrity when I donated today because my 511 was the highest that most of the staff here has seen. They said it's unusual to see anyone over 400.

It's funny, because I've been donating in San Francisco for several years. I had been told many times that my platelet count was high, but never given specifics before.

I like having more information, and am curious what my numbers will be the next time I come in.

I was able to donate 3 units of platelets in 60 minutes. I guess the norm is one unit in an hour and a half.

I'm a platelet machine! :)

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