Friday, August 21, 2009

Mango Salsa

I was invited to attend to pot lucks with friends this weekend.

Dick and I have a very yummy mango salsa recipe that we've been making for years, and have shared at many parties. We actually received a request to make it for tomorrow's party, so I figured I'd pull double-duty and match a triple batch so I'd have enough to bring both days.

I love mangos, but they're kind of a pain to prepare. My sister bought me this very ingenious device last year: a mango splitter! Let me tell you: this thing is the frickin' bomb! It works like a charm, and makes seeding a mango so much faster (and neater!).

I highly recommend it, if you are in the habit of eating mangoes. It will make your life much easier. :)

Dick and Trina's Triple Batch of Mango Salsa Goodness!

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