Saturday, April 12, 2008

Board Ferry?

As we were leaving the Gap, heading towards the freeway, Skynet (our
GPS device) took us on a slight detour.

It took us down a narrow, windy road. We all thought it was odd, but
pretty, and we didn't want to question Skynet. (why would Skynet lie
to us?)

After a couple of minutes, we were by a river. Skynet told us to turn
left towards the river. The next thing it said:

"Board Ferry."


Board the ferry? That's hysterical!

When I say "ferry" what I mean to say is that it looked like a raft built by Tom Sawyer! (no kidding!) We didn't board the ferry, and instead turned around and found the freeway.
But, we couldn't stop laughing. I mean, come on.... that's hysterical!

Given the nature of our trip this evening, we kept laughing at all of
the other interpretations of "board ferry".

Board Ferry
Bored Fairy?
Board Fairy?


Um, this might be one of those instances where you really had to be

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