Wednesday, August 17, 2005

All by myself

Dick left for a 2-day business trip up in Redmond this morning.
I made him coffee, kept him company while he ate breakfast, gave him a kiss, and sent him on his way.
He left at 7:30am.

Christopher started a temp job earlier this week.
I made him coffee, kept him company while he ate breakfast, gave him a hug, and sent him on his way.
He left at 8:15am.

I've been in my office, catching up on emails and phone calls all morning.
It's oddly quiet in the house.

Dick has been home sick for the last few days, and I've grown accustomed to having Christopher in the house all day, too.

Where's my boyfriend?
Where's my gay boyfriend?

My life is so weird.
Funny, but weird.

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