Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Flood in the basement!

yep - you read it right. We had a flood in the basement from all of the rain last night. Not a huge surprise - we usually have a flood down there at least once a year, and the storm last night was really strong. The drain gets overloaded, and just can't keep up with all of the water! Luckily, we have a good system now to sweep the water out - it took 4 years, but we have a system!

It's not as bad as it sounds, either. It's just the back half of the back of the basement. We don't have much back there - just the washer & dryer, and the hot water heater, and the furnace. We've never kept anything stored back there, except for the earthquake kits that are in rubber tubs. We probably had about 2-4 inches, which I suppose isn't all that bad.

Check out this picture. I just found it on It shows an intersection that's just about 6 blocks from us! So again, a few inches in the basement isn't bad at all :)

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