Oh, what a night! In one word: Massive!
The reception was held at The Asateer Tent the Atlantis The Palm Hotel on the Palm Jurmeirah Cresscent.
The reception was nothing short of amazing and gorgeous. The decorations/lighting/design of the "tent" were just gorgeous! There were enormous peacock flower arrangements, crystals, and chandeliers everywhere!
Of course, I took many, many photos - they don't quite do it all justice, but they will help convey the enormity of the event.
Dick and Trina, dressed in our formal ware
Most of the gang dressed and ready to go!
Congratulations, Pavan and Jimmy!
The gorgeous entryway
...followed by the magical hallway
Leading up to the main room
the exquisite peacock center pieces
One of the (many) buffet tables
shot of the room. I think there were about 80 tables
another peacock centerpiece
One of the two giant peacocks on the center stage
Enjoying the evening!
dozens (hundreds?) of lights!
Close up of the giant peacock
part of the gang
detail of the lights
The always photogenic Reeves and Paula
Trina & Dick
Lora & Omar
Dan & Nicole
Dennis, Maf, Ossa, and John
They had a photo booth (white screen backdrop) with lots of props that took digital photos which were automatically printed and sent to you. We had a ton of fun!
Group Silliness!
I think the Dubai lifestyle is starting to rub off on me..... ;)
They also had the rickshaw (which rode Jimmy to the ceremony in the morning on display and available to take photos
Dick riding Trina around Dubai!
The Cake
Soon after dinner and cake, the music was pumped up, the drummers started to drum, and the dancing started again..... and we got even more silly. :)
Reeves, giving Dick a big hug!
Lora and Paula whooping it up!
Jimmy, the Groom, and Dick
Making our exit at the end of the night
Final group shot back at the hotel (I think it was almost 2:00am!)
Congratulations again to Pavan and Jimmy on your marriage and your amazing wedding celebration! We are all so grateful for the opportunity to have shared it with you!! It was the event of a lifetime, and one I'll always remember!
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