My sister's pet cockatiel, Crissy, turned 30 today!
I've blogged about the age of this bird before, but it's worth repeating.
We adopted Crissy when she was only 6 weeks old, so she's been a part of our family practically the entire 30 years. We have heard that the average life-span of a cockatiel is approximately 15 years - which, obviously, she has now doubled! She's the oldest cockatiel that we've ever heard of. Even our vet doesn't know of any older. We think she may be part Alien. Actually, my sister's other bird, Bonsai, is probably around 25 years old - they must be very happy, healthy birdies!
Crissy is showing her age a bit these days. You would too, of course, if you lived double your life expectancy! She's a bit arthritic, and hasn't flown in years. Come to think of it, she was never really fond of flying to begin with. She always preferred walking and climbing. :)
We held a small party for her today. It's not often that you reach another decade - especially in a bird's life. I brought the party hats and the noise makers. :)
Here we all are, posing with the birthday bird (and Bonsai, too).

Four Chows, and Two Chow Birds
...and here's the Birthday Bird!

Crissy is now 30!
Happy Hatch Day, Crissy!
We have a cockatiel, Misty, that we got in 1978. He's now 33 and still with us! :)
Sooo cute! I love cockatiels :)
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