Saturday, February 05, 2005

Feeling Better...

and now for the his 'n her condo health report.....

Well, today is the first day that I haven't had to take a nap. That's a good sign.

We're feeling better, but still taking it easy. My mind is much more clear today, so as soon as my body catches up, I'll be good to go!

Today was the first day I actually felt like talking with people - I chatted on the phone a bit, had a quick visit with my sister, and even managed to play some Halo2 without passing out!

I am, however, coughing up a lung or two....

That's pretty much the worst of it - lots, and lots of coughing. It kept me up all night (and Dick, and the kitties, too).
We're also really low on energy here.

I'm really bummed because we had to pass on dinner at Roy's tonight :(. My parents are taking my sister out for her belated birthday, and also before she leaves to go to Boston for a month. I'm so bummed that we can't make it.

The good news is that Noe feels better today! :)

One of these days, I'll try to leave the house again....

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