So, yeah - wasn't it a huge rush. In fact, I was a little proud of myself for not being such an Apple Fanboy that I didn't feel the need to pre-order, or run out to the store on the first day.
So, now that I've prefaced the story, here's what happened yesterday:
I had just finished my 12-mile training walk around noon, and was fishing my car keys out of my backpack. I was balancing my iPhone on my backpack, and it fell flat on ground in the parking lot. When I picked it up, I cut my fingers on the shattered glass of the backside of the phone. Bummer. I should add here that I drop my phone a lot, and have always been mildly surprised that it never broke. Until now.
Here's what was running through my head at this point: dilemma! What to do? I use my phone every day (more than I'd like to admit) and couldn't wait a couple of weeks to replace it with a new iPhone 5. Plus, the pre-sales were already sold out, and who knows how long I'd have to wait in line for them. (I actually thought the release date for the iPhone 5 was Friday, Sept 28th, which is the first day of my walking event, but now that I look it up, I see that it is this Friday, Sept 21st - which makes a difference!) Anyhow, to wait until the new phone comes out, and do without a phone, or go out and buy a iPhone 4S, which would essentially be "old tech".
These are the very specific champagne problems I have. :)
Once I was in my car, I was surprised to see that the phone still worked. There were just shards of glass covering the back now.
So now, I thought I should go to some phone store and buy a new case that covers the back. That should work for a couple of weeks, right?
Well, lucky for me, my husband had a better idea: let's fix it with Duct Tape!
Yep, that's my husband - Mac Gyver Dick!
So, that's what we did. Dick masterfully took two pieces of Duct Tape, and fixed my phone right up! He even made sure to leave a little opening for the camera lens and flash. :)
I was quite pleased with the final product, and I think it'll hold me over for several weeks now. I told Dick that it even looks kind of "artsy"! :)
On that note, while we were out with some friends today, a few of them noticed the back of my phone. I explained to them what had happened, and they said that before, they just thought I had some kind of cool case on it. :)
Dork that I am, I asked Dick to take a photo of my camera with his camera so that I could document this. I know - totally geeky.
Here we have the before:
Shattered back of my iPhone
...and the after:
Duct Tape fix-all! MacGyver strikes again!
MacGuyver could make a bomb out of hand lotion and tampax.
indeed, Ilene!
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