Saturday's Route
After 5 full months of training together for the Immediate Impact Walk, Saturday morning was my team's last training walk of the season. It was a beautiful day (I seem to say that a lot!) and a great day for an 11 mile walk.
We met at the Warming Hut at 7:00am for a 7:15 departure time. As we arrived, the sun was just finishing its rise over the San Francisco skyline. Really amazing, and a magical way to start the day.
The sun rising over Downtown San Francisco
It hasn't happened often this season, but we had a clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge at 7:00am as well!
Good Morning, Golden Gate Bridge. Don't you look lovely!
We walked around the Presidio, walking up the stairway to Mountain Lake Trail, onto Lobos Creek Valley Trail, out onto Lincoln, which eventually turned into El Camino del Mar. We walked onto 28th Ave, turned onto Geary, which became Pt. Lobos, and we eventually arrived at our lunch break at the Lands End Vistor Center. (Home of the nicest public bathrooms in SF, in my opinion!)
Walking through the Presidio
After our break, we continued forward and UP many stair on the Lands End Trail. This was where we had our first sighting of dozens of dolphins swimming in the ocean! Again, pretty magical. There we so many out there, and the water was so calm and clear that we had a great time watching them.
A gaggle of Hotties watching dozens of dolphins swimming in the Ocean, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
We continued on the Lands End Trail to Mile Rock Beach where we went down the stairs and found our way to the Labyrinth! I had never known about the Labyrinth until we walked to it last year - most people have never been. It's a really amazing spot to find!
The Labyrinth or a beautifully clear day!
Hotties admiring the view
Group Shot!
We continued on the Lands End Trail onto El Camino del Mar and into the Sea Cliff Neighborhood. From here, it became the "sand walk" as we traversed through a lot of sand for the next couple of miles! We walked along Baker Beach, and eventually made our way to the Sand Ladder!
Baker Beach
Climbing UP the Sand Ladder!
Mid-way view from the Sand Ladder
The Sand Ladder is quite a climb, but we all made it! We made our way back to Lincoln Blvd, walked under the Golden Gate Bridge, and made our way back to the Warming Hut! It was a beautiful walk on a beautiful day with wonderful friends. What a great way to end our training season together.
Pretty view of the Golden Gate Bridge
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