It was such a fun time. The weather was certainly chilly, but it was pretty clear. We even saw a rainbow up high in the sky! We also saw some dolphins (or "gay sharks" as Miguel called them!) swimming nearby! What a treat!
Thanks to everyone who were able to come and help us celebrate today. We really enjoyed spending the day with all of you.
I didn't think I took many photos, but apparently, I did! Here are some of the highlights:
Manly men, Blane, Dean and Jose helping to unfurl the sail
Blane, practicing yoga, while securing the sail
Dean, Jose, Blane and Dick, with Alcatraz in the background
Bro and David
pretty view of the SF skyline
group shot outside
Beautiful rainbow that magically appeared! thanks to Shoko for this photo!
The Golden Gate Bride, as it can only be seen from the Bay
Sailing underneath the Golden Gate Bridge
on the other side of the bridge
gorgeous shot by Blane!
Dick, steering the boat!
Thanks to Miguel, for this great close-up of Dick!
Aditya, Steve and Dick
Miguel took a whole bunch of fantastic photos today. Here are a couple of my favorites. Thanks, Miguel!!
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