Map of Day 2
Day Two of the Immediate Impact Breast Cancer Walk was another 20-miles filled with love, laughter, and adventure! Today was "hill" day as we went up and down many hills, stairs, and muddy trails in Golden Gate Park, Inner Sunset, West Portal, Sutro Forest, the Castro, Noe Valley, Bernal Heights, Potrero Hill and China Basin. The day started off cool and foggy for the first 10 miles (when we were slipping and sliding down some seriously muddy trails!), but warmed up considerably for the last ten miles when the sun came out to shine on us.
We started off the day where we finished yesterday - at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. We met at 6:45, with a 7:00am departure. Linda read an inspirational poem, we had a moment of silence, and Carol led us in a series of stretches.
Day Two starts!
We walked around Stow Lake, onto John F Kennedy Drive, then walked through the AIDS Memorial Grove. We came out onto Lincoln Way, up to Parnassus and had our first RRR Station at UCSF Student Union.
Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park
We walked through the Inner Sunset, then West Portal. We passed by a Starbucks where a few walkers (including Carol!) needed a quick coffee stop!
Carol - ordering her Starbucks drink
We continued our way into the depths of Sutro Forest and onto the Historic Trail. We were warned that it would be muddy, and we brought our sense of adventure with us! Luckily, everyone made it through without any major slips, but we all came out the other side with very muddy shoes!
Muddy shoes!
We had our lunch at the Randall Museum Lawn, where we were met by a sea of friends and family cheering us on!
I have to say, that this was by far, my most favorite lunch break of any walk I've ever taken. It was SO amazing to turn the corner to a crowd of people cheering us on, and realizing that we knew everyone! Lizelle made amazing signs, and passed them around. We had friends, family, and fellow Warming Hut Hottie teammates welcoming us to our lunch break. So many of them brought us homemade food, and everyone gave us lots of hugs. I was completely re-energized just walking through!
Of course, the best part for me was seeing my husband, waiting for me, holding a (very funny) sign for me (that Lizelle had made), and wearing deeleeboppers. It was one of my most favorite moments in our relationship, and meant so much to me. I love him so much.
Hottie Husband!
This makes me so happy!
Warming Hut Hottie Teammates cheering us on!
GO Hotties!
This was our view at lunch!
Dick, keeping me company during lunch today
My friend, Blane, came out to cheer us on, too!! Go, Team Trina!
Hiking down Corona Heights Trail
We continued on after lunch by hiking down the Corona Heights Trail, and into the Castro. My friend, and painting instructor, Dean, happened to drive by and give us a shout out while we were walking! "Hi, Dean!" (said all the Hotties!).
We walked up and down many, many hills in Castro, Noe Valley and Bernal.
up, Up, UP!
An amazing mosaic on the front porch of a house in Bernal
Linda Eastman shared her special homemade muffins with me during our last RRR Station! Mmmmmm....
Blane lives in Bernal, and came back out to join us! He walked with us around Bernal and up to Bernal Heights Trail.
Yay, Blane!
Group Shot!
By now, we were running a little late, and were booking it to make it to the finish line in time. We skipped our last RRR Station, and made it just in time!
Day Two complete, 40 miles down, 15 more to go!
Crossing the finish line was also very exciting! Again, there were so many family and friends cheering us on - what a wonderful way to end the day!
Many, many thanks to my Mom, Dad, and Sis who came out to meet us at the finish line today!!
Chow Family!
My parents neighbors, Bonnie and Stephanie also came out! Thank you!!
Tomorrow morning, we meet at 6:45 to complete our last day.
40 miles down, 15 more to go!!
Today's stats
Today's elevation graph
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