Day 1 Route
The first day of the inaugural Immediate Impact Walk was a very special experience. To be a part of an event like this, a small grass roots effort with only 30 people (23 walkers, 7 crew) was pretty amazing. I felt to me that this was the beginning of something very special, and I am so honored to be a part of it.
The atmosphere of the walk today was quite different for me than the other two walking events that I've done in the past. For me, it was more reflective, and I really felt the sense that what we were accomplishing with this event was bigger than us. I have personally felt very motivated and driven knowing that the funds that we're raising from this event will really have an impact on local people battling breast cancer in our own community. It's humbling and empowering, all at once.
We met at 6:00am this morning, loaded everyone's bags into the truck, then met at Immigrant Point Overlook in the Presidio for Opening Ceremonies.]
Trina & Carol - walking together again!
Opening Ceremonies was short and sweet, but also very thoughtful and very moving. Together we formed a large circle - walkers, crew, family and friends. We listened as Linda read a thoughtful poem, listened to a crew person's personal experience with her battle with breast cancer, had a moment of silence, where we all reflected and thought of loved ones who have been affected by this disease. We also honored our survivors in our group, who formed a small, tight circle in the center of our larger circle.
Opening Ceremonies
(photo by Zeze)
Survivor's Circle
Ready to hit the road!
We departed at 7:00am - ready to walk 20 miles for the day! We walked through the Presidio, onto Lands End Trail, and had our first break at the Land's End Visitor's Center.
Renee and Tanzeem at the first RRR Station
We walked along a long stretch of the Great Highway, then went onto the Fort Funston Trail (which was new to a lot of us!)
Walking along the Great Highway along the Beach of the Pacific Ocean
It was a very sandy trail, which made for interesting photos, and lots of sand in our shoes. :)
walking in the Sahara
We continued down to John Muir Drive, and we walked around Lake Merced.
Sandy, greeted by her hubby at the end of the trail!
We had our lunch stop at Westlake Park. It was SO amazing walking into the parking lot, and seeing a couple of dozen crew and supporters cheering us on!!
Lunch Stop!
My wonderful friend, Miguel, came out to cheer us on at our lunch break today! It was so fabulous to see him there!! Thank you, Miguel!!
Miguel & Trina
Our lunches were brought in from a super yummy deli in Marin. We had ordered our lunches several weeks back - I had forgotten what I had ordered! It was absolutely delish! I had a turkey/cranberry sandwich, which came with fruit salad, potato salad, a pickle and a cookie! SO delicious!
Lunch was totally worthy of a blog photo!
After lunch, we all did some stretching before heading out for the second half of the day.
Fellow Warming Hut Hottie, Michele, and the beautiful Marlo came out to cheer us on today, both at Opening Ceremonies and at lunch! Turns out, Marlo makes the most delicious cookies I've ever had! Thank you, Michele and Marlo!! xo
Marlo and Michele, blasting Michael Jackson along the route!
We walked back around Lake Merced, onto Ocean Avenue, and made our way through the Sunset towards Golden Gate Park. We walked a good long stretch in Golden Gate Park until we came to the end of our 20 miles at Stow Lake.
Finished Day 1!
We finished at 3:05, approximately 8 hours after we took off this morning. It was a great route. Although it was very cold, dark and foggy in the morning, the clouds stayed with us most of the day, and made for very pleasant walking weather.
Day 2 starts at 7:00am tomorrow morning!
Day One stats
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