Today's route
Dick worked from home today, and our schedules were both a bit on the slower side so we decided to take a few hours off and do a nice long walk. My team isn't doing any scheduled training walks this weekend (some of our teammates will be walking in the SF Avon Walk this weekend) so I wanted to get in a good long walk this week.
Dick requested a few bits of criteria for today's walk:
Roughly 8 miles
He wanted to explore the Presidio
He wanted a lot of stairs and hills
Well, let me tell you, I came through with flying colors. I remembered that my first walk in June of this year was a 8-mile walk through the Presidio, and I distinctly remember that it had a LOT of stairs. It's awfully handy that I keep all of my maps from our team walks and can refer to my blog for details! :)
We started out right before Noon. It was still overcast and foggy, but not too cold.
We got off to a GREAT start - the clouds and fog began to clear soon after we started, and the weather was just perfect.
here's the view from Lincoln Ave looking out towards the Palace of Fine Arts and Downtown
We walked along the Coastal Trail, underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.
View of the Golden Gate Bridge from the Coastal Trail
Dick had never walked along the Battery to Bluffs Trail before. He LOVED it! It was especially nice today as the weather was clearing up, and we were the only people on the entire trail. :)
Dick, walking down, down down the Battery to Bluffs Trail
Dick walking up, up, up the end of the Battery to Bluffs Trail
We continued up, up, up the Stairs to Immigrant Point Outlook. Dick thought those stairs were the toughest part of today's walk.
Somewhere along the road toards the Golf clubhouse (where we had our bathroom break) we got a little off track. Oh, well - just adding to our milage and adventure!
one of my favorite sculptures in the Presidio
We somehow managed to get lost (again!) after the golf clubhouse, but eventually found our way to Lover's Lane. :)
We walked up, up, UP Lover's Lane, to Presidio, UP Presidio and turned onto Lyon Street. Just as we turned, we came across a field full of goats! Now seriously, that's not something you expect to come across in San Francisco! Especially in Pac Heights!
GOATS in San Francisco!
We eventually figured out what was going on, when we saw a guy sitting on a wall near the goats. We asked him if those were his goats, and he said yes. There were 30 of them in total!
Turns out, they are hired goats, for a company called City Grazing. I guess you can hire this guy, and his goats, and have them graze on your land. Who knew?
City Grazing
We continued our way down Lyon Street, and walked DOWN (yay) the Lyon Street Stairs.
Lyon Street Stairs
We continued on over to the Palace of Legion of Honor. Dick had not been to the area since they restored it a couple of years ago, so it was really nice to see the restored areas with him.
The Palace of Legion of Honor
We made our way back to Crissy Field, where we walked the remaining 1-1/2 mile along the coast back to the Warming Hut.
The clouds and fog have lifted around the Golden Gate Bridge
Back at the Warming Hut - home base!
Today's Stats
Today's walk elevation
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