Screen Shot from my fundraising page
Wow - today is a big day for my 2012 Immediate Impact Fundraising. I sent out a follow-up email to potential donors this afternoon, and within 10 minutes, had received multiple donations totaling more than $1,000. More donations have come in since then, bringing my current total to: $2,884!
This is more than a quarter of the way to my goal of $10,000.
It is also far above the minimum fundraising requirement of $2,000 to participate in the full 3 days of the Immediate Impact Breast Cancer Walk.
This is a major milestone for me. $2,884 is a lot of money. I am so grateful to my friends and family who have so generously donated and helped me reach this first goal within a month!
I continue to be amazed and humbled by the support and generosity of my friends and family.
My most sincere thanks and gratitude for all of the donations that you've made. I clearly could not do this without you.
The walk that I am participating in is not until September 28th-30th. That gives me plenty of time to continue to fund-raise. I hope to meet my goal of $10,000 by then.
If you'd like to help support me in the 2012 Immediate Impact Walk, please donate here:
Thank you!
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