I made an effort to experiment more with cross-hatch shading tonight, as I have a friend, Ilene, who uses it especially effectively. I'm just "okay" with how tonight's work turned out - not my best/not my worst.
I seem to do best (so far) with the 7-10 minute poses. Anything more (like 15 or 20min) gets overworked for my style (like the last image shown). I have to work on that.
I think I'm getting bored with my style - that's probably very common for artists, right? I looked around at the people sitting near me, and thought that everyone else's drawings were so much more interesting and creative.
I'm trying to allow myself license to break out of my box and experiment more, but I think I first need to study other styles to get a better understanding of what to do.
I love, love your work. You certainly have the body composition down, nailed!
I wish I could give you feedback, but I don't know how. Instead, I will tell you what I like about your style and what inspires me about it.
1. You know how to draw a body! That' is for sure. your compositions are excellent and the attention to curves and details impresses me. I have a "lazy" method where I tend to cut corners and make things look a little easier as if a second grader did it. But, I like that about myself. that's a bit of my comfort zone and it makes me happy.
2. Your shading is impressive. I do not know how to shade like you. I like how your eyes can translate to your hand how to shade areas of the body that bring out certain features that I would not know how to capture and bring forth. That impresses me.
My recommendation is to just keep playing and not constrain your creative mind do what ever pleases you despite what others think. Others think from norms, people who break norms tend to inspire others.
I'm watching you and your style. You have great talent my dear friend!
Miguel - thank you so much for your comments. It's very helpful to hear from other people, as we as the artist do not tend to see what others see.
It's funny because I absolutely love your style. For lack of a better word, it is "stylized" in a way that I would not be able to do at all, and I admire that. What you think is simple and lazy is actually very impressive to me.
I'll keep plodding on. I've gotten some helpful comments, including yours, which help me see things a bit more clearly. thank you!!!
Hope you can join me again at the drawing sessions soon!!!
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