I made a promise to myself (and some of my friends on Facebook) that I would post photos after each session. I promised to post photos of the good, the bad, and the ugly - recognizing that there would be times where I would have "off" sessions, but knowing that there's always room for improvement and growth.
So, this is one of those times. I'm not terribly happy with many of my drawings from last night. For some reason, I have a difficult time with this model - and trust me, it's all on me, nothing at all to do with her. She's a gorgeous, expressive model, with a slender, yet muscular, build. I have a hard time trying to define her muscles without making her look bulkier then she is in person. She also has such an expressive face, that I can't help but *try* to capture it a little, but as we know, I'm not good at faces, and it is discouraging when I attempt to draw one and it looks so completely wrong.
I'm listening to the advice of my friend, Ilene, who suggested that I try to put some features into the face, rather than leaving it a "blank mask". The drawings from this week are probably the most that I have tried to include parts of the face/head. I should tell you that the model is not bald (although it certainly appears that way in my drawings). She is African-American, and has very, very short hair (which I tried to show in the last drawing).
I'm trying not to get too frustrated with myself. I saw some work that other artists were doing last night, and the ones that I saw were amazing. Some were done in watercolor, and really captured her expressiveness. Mine, not-so-much. :)
I do recognize some improvements, though, so I'm going to try to focus on those: I think my hands are finally getting better and more defined.
I also found a 20-minute drawing from the end of last week's session which I forgot to photograph, so I'm putting that in this batch, just to make me feel better. :)
20 minute pose from last week
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