Today's Route
Today was the last training walk of the 2016 season. We ended on a scorcher - San Francisco reached 91 degrees today! That's crazy-hot for us. It was a gorgeous and clear day again, but was even hotter than yesterday. We tried our best to stay in the shade, but ultimately, it was just hot, and we cut out one mile towards the end. I know it was a good call.
Sandy, Linda and I decided to dress as triplets today for fun: we all wore this red/black plaid skirt from Lululemon and wore it on the event two years ago. It was funny to wear them together again today.
As has been the tradition for the last few years now, our final training walk of the season included the Labyrinth at Land's End, and the San Ladder at Baker Beach. By the time we got to Baker Beach around 11:00, it was already in the mid-80s, and the parking lot to the beach was full. The beach as the most crowded I've ever seen it.
Many thanks to Irene, who took the group photos included here. Irene has such a great eye, and her photos are always beautiful.
Power Puff Girls!
The Land's End Labyrinth
Group shot, missing Irene, who took the photo
Walking the Labyrinth
Sandy and Linda walking on Baker Beach
The three of us before tackling the Sand Ladder!
View from the top of the Sand Ladder looking down to Baker Beach
This photo is hilarious: Linda and I reaching to top of the Sand Ladder. :)
Fitbit Stats
Walkmeter Stats
Hot, hot day in San Francisco!
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