Tonight we made an amazing meal with some of the produce that they brought.
We started off with padron peppers - per Mike's instructions, we simply sautéed them in olive oil then added sea salt. Scrumptious!! We had these as an appetizer with cocktails.
For the main course, we made a roasted egg plant soup! We used three of the Japanese egg plants and some of the tomatoes that Mike and Wendy brought. We also added an onion and garlic.
For dessert: they brought over a dozen peaches that they just picked yesterday morning. We used six of them to make a cobbler! I haven't baked dessert in such a long time, so I'm really excited! (Dick generally doesn't care for dessert, so I treat myself when we go out. If I baked at home, I'd be eating all of it, and that's not a good thing.)
Thanks, Mike and Wendy for the amazing produce from your garden! We're excited to eat the rest of it in the next few days!!
Poblano Peppers with cocktails
roasted egg plant, tomato, onion and garlic
roasted eggplant soup!
Peach Cobbler!
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