Alas, all good things must come to an end, and I'm excited for them and their new adventures.
This also means that it's time for me to finally face a challenge that most people have to deal with in their late teens or twenties: cleaning out the rooms of our childhood.
I've been lucky, and I know it. Somehow, I've managed to put this off for about 20 years longer than most people. My childhood home has largely been left untouched: I call it a "Shrine of Trina's Teen Years". ;)
So, yes, that means ALL those Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls and collectibles, and ALL of those other stuffed toys need to find their way to a new home. Now, this doesn't mean that they are all going away entirely - I will need to sort through them all and decide which ones are most special to me, and keep those with me in San Francisco. However, that still leaves a lot of work to do...
The first step was easy:
I had a collection of Snoopy dolls from the late 70s/early 80s. I loved my Snoopys, and also had stuffed toys of Snoopy's siblings, Belle and Spike. Not only did I have the dolls, but for a while, I collected the cute little outfits that used to be sold. Somewhere along the line, I even had a Snoopy Trunk/Closet for all of the clothes to be stored in.
I have a friend up here in Bellevue, Nicole, who collects Snoopy. And, when I say she collects Snoopy, I mean, she has a Snoopy collection that rivals my Raggedy Ann collection! When I found out that my parents were moving a few months ago, I asked Nicole if she would be willing to adopt my Snoopy collection from my childhood, and she happy accepted.
A few weeks ago, my Mom and I did the Great Snoopy Exchange: she brought my Snoopy dolls to me in San Francisco, and I packed them all in a large duffle bag, which I checked in and flew up to Seattle with me.
I finally had a chance to deliver them to Nicole last night at Paula's house. I don't think she knew quite what she was getting into when she agreed to adopt my collection, but she seemed very happy!
On a side note: one of my favorite things to see from my collection was the contents inside Belle's little purse. I remember making the contents that are still in there, and it was the first thing I looked for when I reconnected with Belle for the first time in about 30 years.
I was probably about 10 years old at the time, and I made several little items to go into her purse: a couple of note pads, a coupon book, checks, and a few "Doggie Dollars". (If I was more clever than, I would have named them "Beagle Bucks"!) She also had a small mirror, and a dime. :)
I love that my Snoopys are going to live with Nicole and her collection. Nicole told me that she only had one of these dolls growing up (the smaller-sized, dressable Snoopy), and that she had one or two outfits for it. I know these dolls are going to the best new home.
She also adopted my Animaniacs! Yakko, Wakko and Dot are going to have a great time running around and causing mischief around Dan and Nicole's home. Sorry, Dan! ;)
One last photo session for me and my Snoopy Collection
All the handmade contents in Belle's purse, circa 1980
Gina, Nicole and Paula showing off some of the Snoopy outfits!
Happy Nicole surrounded by Happy Beagles
My Animaniac Friends!
Living here in the heart of Snoopy country, I know all your pals are so happy to have a new forever home! I loved the purse contents. Only you would come up with something so fun! The fact that their new home is with a dear friend, I know you'll see them again! Love, Celeste
Trina! It's so fun to see all your "old friends" again. I loved your room when we were young and the way you displayed all your cute Snoopy and Raggedys. They were on your bed, in the closet, on shelves and on that very high little shelf running close to your ceiling. I'm sorry that the Chow house of all our game nights, parties and hang-outs will be sold, but wish your parents very well in their new home! xoxo
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