I accidentally dropped my credit card (it was in a pocket in my phone case) while I was walking around Downtown Bellevue Park about an hour ago. I traced my steps, but to no avail. I called my credit card company and had them cancel it and issue a new one. They looked up my records, and no new purchases had been made.
A few minutes after I got back home, I got an email from my blog page. It was sent by a gentleman who works in downtown Bellevue who found my card while he was out at lunch in the park. He gave me his phone number to call to make sure it was mine and offered to return it to me.
I called and thanked him for his generosity and for taking the time to find me. He said I wasn't hard to find, as he found my blog page right away, and there aren't any other Trina Chows on Facebook.
Grateful for good and kind people who go out of their way to help others.
Thank you, Gary!
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