(from Castro Biscuit)
These 20 plaques honoring LGBT heroes are the first set of plaques in a series that will eventually extend all the way down Market Street from the Castro to the SF LGBT Center.
On the walk from my house down Castro towards Market Street, I passed by some of the plaques as they were being prepared for the unveiling. Here are some of the ones that I saw.
Frida Khalo
Keith Haring
Allen Ginsberg
George Choy
Once I reached the corner of Market and Castro there was already a fairly large crowd forming. I thought it was a great turnout, considering it was 11:00am on a Tuesday. The dedication included several speakers, which unfortunately, I couldn't hear because the crowd was so large.
The crowd at the dedication ceremony
Each of the plaques had a representative from the LGBT Community carrying a rainbow flag. The 20 representatives walked together down Castro Street, with each representative stopping at their respective plaque, and having their photo taken. Once the last person reached his/her plaque, they all presented their flags in order. It was short and sweet.
While at the dedication ceremony, I spotted my friends Armistead and Chris, and their labradoodle, Philo. Armistead and Chris were asked to unveil the plaque for Virginia Woolf. As the flag carriers trickled off along the way, I walked with them to to the Virginia Woolf plaque which was the last in the loop (in front of Hot Cookie).
Philo, Chris and Armistead with the Virginia Woolf plaque
Camera Shy Philo, Chris, Trina and Armistead
Philo - I just love this fuzzy guy!
Here are some more photos of other plaques that I took after the ceremony.
Oscar Wilde - can you find the typo? (you can click on the image to enlarge) A new plaque is being made, sans typo, and will replace this one by the end of the month.
Tennessee Williams
Virginia Woolf
Bayard Rustin
Del Martin
Here is a map that I found on the Castro Biscuit site that shows the location and names of each of the plaques. Not the best map, and some of the names are not spelled correctly, but it's a good guide.
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