We did it again: for the third year in a row, YOU helped me raise over $10,000 for the Immediate Impact Walk!!
I'm just thrilled to have reached this lofty goal, and I thank every single person who has donated towards my fundraising this year. Donations have ranged from $20 to $1,000. Every dollar makes a difference, and it will all go a long way in helping out the patients of our beneficiaries.
I have to be honest, with our move to Seattle earlier this year, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make this goal this time. I wasn't able to do all fundraising activities that I've done in the past, and I wasn't sure how much of an impact my move was going to make as far as being further away from the San Francisco community.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of my very generous supporters.
I continue to be overwhelmed and humbled by the amount of support that you have all given me over my last FIVE years of walking. I am a very, very lucky person to have such amazing and supportive people in my life.
The big event begins two weeks from tomorrow, on Friday October 10th. Although I have met my personal fundraising goal of $10,000, I'll continue to fundraise and see just how much money we can raise this year. So far, our team/event of 49 participants (walkers, virtual walkers and volunteer support staff) have raised almost $105,000 towards our goal of $150,000. It is exciting to see how much money we can raise for our three local beneficiaries and our national beneficiary!
Thank you all again for your incredible support and generosity.
You continue to fill my heart and inspire me.
I am honored to be representing all of you every time I walk.
With Gratitude,
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