With that said, I've got a bit of a bone to pick with the younger generation and some of the basic skills that they seem to be missing.
I've been listening to the debate of whether or not kids should learn cursive in school. While I do think that children should learn cursive, I'm not a teacher, nor am I a parent, and I know there are strong arguments on both sides. That being said, I also think it's important for kids to learn how to write at least legibly.
Today, we got a thank you note from a younger gentleman who works at a local department store where Dick made a clothing purchase recently. First of all, kudos to this gentleman for writing and sending the thank you note - that's good business (and good manners in life in general).
However, look at how this letter was addressed:
So, I should mention here that I started writing and mailing letters way back in first grade when I was six years old. My best friend had just moved and we kept in contact through high school (and beyond) by writing letters to each other.
I also remember when I was in 8th grade, our english teacher gave a lesson on how to properly address an envelope. I thought it was weird that we were learning something in class that I had known for many years at that point. However, I also recognize that perhaps many of my peers did not have a pen pal/best friend that they had been writing to for years. Knowing how to properly address a letter is important stuff!
So, back to the Thank You note that came in the mail today.
It looks like it was written by a five-year old who has never been taught how to address an envelope.
His handwriting is at least legible, but what's worse: he doesn't know where to write the address, and where to put the postage!! (our street address is written in the top right corner. I blurred it out, but you can still see where it is.)
I know, I know... it's the new millennium. Kids know how to use computers before they start school. They use email. They don't need to know how to write.
This young gentleman is old enough and responsible enough to hold a job at a fairly prestigious retail store, has very good fashion style, good customer skills, and knows the benefits of writing a Thank You note...
...but he doesn't know how to address a letter.
Okay, rant off. I know, I sound like an old cranky lady. I just had to put it out there.
Wow, that is just pathetic. Or are we just old? Nope, that's pathetic!
Wow, is that just pathetic...or are we just old? Nope, that's really pathetic!
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