Well, I'm here to tell you again about the excitement of having custom window screens made! Our apartment here in Bellevue is on the 28th floor. The windows push out, and are only about 2 feet off the ground. We have a cat. Although she's never given me any reason to believe that she'd jump out of an open window, I don't want to ever take the chance.
Plus, I hate bugs.
(granted, I haven't actually seen any bugs way up here on the 28th floor...)
Anyhow, I"ve been wanting to have screens made for our windows here. There are only 5 of them, and frankly I don't think we'll be opening them very often. Between the colder months and Winter, and having air conditioning (a first, for both Dick and me!) during the hotter weeks, the only reason we'd open the windows would be to allow some fresh air and ventilation in - which I suppose is always a good thing. Come to think of it, it'll also be really nice to have a window open while I'm painting to help with the fumes and drying time.
When we moved in, I asked the leasing office if they had any suggestions of where I could have screens made for our windows. The only suggestion they had was to check Home Depot to see if they would make them there.
Since we're still in the rainy/cold season here in the Pacific Northwest, I hadn't made this a priority, and only started looking into this last Thursday. I went to Home Depot, and learned that they do not have that service there. It was then that I realized that I hadn't even checked the web to see if I could find a company who specializes in custom window screens.
So, while in sitting in the parking lot of Home Depot, I found Screenman.com!
We are Washington’s highest rated, most experienced, and largest mobile screening company. We strive to provide only the best quality products and service to our customers.
We come to your house!
Our screen fabrication specialists can complete virtually any job on site, providing superior quality and same day service.
Um... Yes, please!
I called them right there from my car, got a quote, and was able to schedule an appointment today (Monday) for 2:30pm. Fantastic!
Today, I got a call around 1:00 that they were running early, and on their way over. By the time they found parking, and arrived in my apartment, it was 1:30. Two nice guys came in, measured, and discussed my options.
One option that I had (that they were originally planning on) was to building a screen with a box in the center, where one could turn the handle of the window, and then open the window from there.
All I really wanted was a flat, full screen that would fit snugly within the interior frame of the window. I told them that we wouldn't necessarily have the screens out all the time - we'd probably put them in a closet most of the time, and would only take them out when we wanted to use them. Turns out that what I wanted would be much cheaper, and faster to make.
They went back down to their truck (which was parked across the street) and built the screens. They came back about 30-40 minutes later with new screens in hand, and installed them.
The entire job, from the minute they walked through my door, to the time that they had finished the job, was done in under an hour!
The screens fit perfectly, and look fantastic. They are hardly noticeable at all. I'll see what Dick thinks, but I may just leave them up - they virtually disappear. They come off and on very easily and smoothly. They have little springs installed along the top to keep them snug, and small tabs at the bottom to help remove them. They really are exactly what I was looking for.
open window without screen. it's a long way down!
window closed, with new screen installed
window open, with screen installed
the anatomy of the screen
a new screen installed inside the longest window in our apartment
The price?
The was a $65 service call, and each screen was $32. Compared to what I paid 3 years ago for screens in SF, I thought this was very reasonable.
I'm very pleased with the service and quality of the product by Screenman. If you live in the Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia area, and need new screens, this company is GREAT! (as reviewed by webTrina)
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