My flight landed around 2:45 today, and I was home by 3:00. The weather was just amazing - high 60s, and gorgeous. I came home, got my stuff situated, changed my shoes, and went out for a walk.
I did my normal neighborhood walk: I walked down 24th street in Noe Valley. I popped into to visit with our real estate agent, Pete, and had a nice visit. I then walked down to Dolores Street to Dolores Park.
The park was packed with people, considering it was a Monday at 4:30. The top corner of Dolores Park has always been one of my favorite views of the San Francisco Skyline.
Dolores Park
Around 4:45, I realized that I should go by the neighborhood dog park on my way back home. My friends, Andy and Barry are usually there between 4:00-5:00 each day. I didn't see either of them at first, but did find my friends Armistead and Chris there with their Labradoodle, Philo. Armistead and Chris moved from SF to Santa Fe a couple of years ago, but just decided that they wanted to find a small pied-a-tier in San Francisco. They just got back into town yesterday, and I was delighted to see them. We had a wonderful time catching up, and comparing moving stories. My friend Barry had been at the park, but I didn't see him at first. He came over for a quick hello before having to leave. It was so nice running into so many friends on my first few hours back
Chris, Trina and Armistead at the dog park
Tonight, I had dinner with a bunch of my friends who I walk with for the Immediate Impact Breast Cancer Walk! Amazingly, we were able to pull a pretty large group together! It was SO nice seeing so many of these wonderful women. I've been missing everyone. Thanks to all who were able to come out!!!
Table full of beautiful ladies
After dinner, a few of us went out for frozen yogurt! Yum!!
I've been back in SF for about 8 hours, and already, this visit has is about a gazillion times better than my last one a few weeks ago (when I was sick, and had to cancel all my plans)!
It's going to be a fun week!
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