Sunday's Route
Sunday's 16-mile training walk started off cold and foggy! What?! After our walk in the 80s on Saturday, I was prepared for another hot day. The weather forecast called for high-70s (still San Francisco hot). Unfortunately, my brain wasn't completely awake when I left my house at 6:00, and I didn't notice that it was slightly chilly. As I was driving towards the Presidio, the temperature dropped lower and lower, and it became foggy. When I reached the Transit Cafe in the Presidio, it my thermostat read 57 degrees. Uh-oh. All I had on was a tank top, a short sleeved shirt and a skort. Lucky for me, Carol had an extra jacket in her car (thank you, Carol!) so I was able to borrow it from her. It's a good thing - it was foggy and chilly for the first half of our walk!
We headed out onto Lincoln Blvd, out of the Presidio, and deep into the fog...
Foggy morning in the Presidio - there's the Palace of Fine Arts hidden in a shroud of fog.
First things first: The Lyon Street Stairs! Linda's map was going to challenge us, right from the start! The Lyon Street Stairs are actually two sets of stairs, with a landing with Dianne Feinstein's house in the center. There was a sleep-in protest happening on her property. We saw a few sleeping bags, and a protester talking with a news reporter.
protests at Dianne Feinsteins' House
here we are climbing the second flight of the Lyon Street Stairs. Feinstein's house is towards the bottom
"These shoes are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do...."
We went back into the Presidio through the Broadway Street gates.
a slightly blurry, but pretty foggy Presidio photo
We came out of the Presidio at Arguello, then walked through Golden Gate Park, and came out at 9th Ave. We had our break at the UCSF Student Union. (another favorite!)
After our break, we headed out on Parnassus, then turned right and UP the infamous Medical Center Way (it's a slightly steep, never-ending street that seems to go on, and on, and on!). As we walked up, the sun began peeking in through the fog and clouds. It was very pretty.
here comes the sun!
We tried a new trail named "Fairy Gates" (you know I liked that), which took us out and we made our way to Portola for our next break at the Mollie Stones (used to be Tower Market).
Fairy Gates Trail
After our lunch break, the sun really came out, just in time for us to wind our way down Portola, which eventually become Market Street.
Beautiful view of San Francisco from the top of Portola Drive
We walked all the way down Portola, which turned into Market, which led us to Castro Street. I had called Dick earlier in the morning and let him know that we'd be in our neighborhood around Mile 10, if he wanted to join us for the last 6 miles.
here's Dick! Ready to walk the last six miles with us! Yay!
Lucky Dick - he joined us just in time to walk UP 17th Street!
Okay, I think I will!
We took 17th all the way to Stanyan, and walked all the way down Stanyan until the end of the street. Unfortunately, towards the end of this stretch, one of our walkers tripped on uneven pavement, and hit her face/head on the concrete. It was a terrible fall. Luckily, Sharla had volunteered for route support again today, and was able to come and pick her up. Our poor walker friend had to go to the ER, and ended up with a broken nose, a badly bruised or fractured rib, and a re-injury to her finger. :( We hope she is on the mend, and feels better very soon.
Sharla met us again at our last break, and treated us to the other half of the yummy watermelon that she had brought us the day before. It was still as cold, delicious and refreshing as it was on Saturday!
The Lovely Linda, posing with Sharla's delish Watermelon
Sandy and Linda as the matching Lululemon Bobbsey Twins - aren't they cute?!
Back in the Presidio, and the fog started rolling in again. Not too cold, but certainly no longer hot.
Along the Bay Area Ridge Trail
We made it back to the Transit Cafe right around 2:00. Another 16-miles in the books, and 36-miles for the weekend!
Sunday's Stats
Some of us were able to hop over to Off the Grid for an after-walk Lunch!
Off the Grid
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