I worked primarily on the orange wall in the back, the plants and shadows around it, and the figure. It's funny, there were several times during my session that I had that, "Oh, this isn't looking good..." and "this isn't coming out..." feelings, but I pushed on, and eventually, I was able to step back and see that it was heading in the right direction. *phew!*
I color corrected the orange wall, extended it on the left side, and added the plants and shadows. At first, all of this was suddenly standing out too much from the rest of the painting, and my eye was drawn to the top section. Luckily, once I started working on the figure, and adding additional colors, shadows and depth, it all evened out again.
I'm pretty happy with the direction that the figure is going. I worked on the overall proportions, then added lots of colors into both the shirt as well as to the skin tone. I also added color and details into the shadows. I especially like the effect of where her legs go under water. Oh - I also added just a tiny bit of shadows to the hat as well - I think it makes a big difference! Shadows - so important!
I did a color correction to the patio, although it still needs work, as well as worked on the shadow in the top right corner. I think it's less distracting now that it was before.
I didn't have a chance to work on any part of the pool. That'll keep for next time. :)
"Pool #2"
second session
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