We drove just a few more yards, and wouldn't you know it, we came across one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen: 4 grown Lionesses and their 9 cubs!! It was truly an incredible site, and what an amazing photo opportunity! We took loads of photos - here are some of my best. (again, Dick's photos from his fancy camera will be much better, and will have several close-up shots.)
"Safari Dick" - all geared up and ready to track some lions!
tonight was the first night that we didn't have cloud cover, so we were able to view a beautiful sunset
A Pride of Lions: 4 Lionesses and their 9 cubs
After a short while, all the lionesses left. We offered to watch the cubs while we were out. (we had assumed that they were heading out to hunt, but returned within 20 minutes or so without any kill.)
Nine Lion Cubs (they are all between 3-6 months old)
Dick and the lion cubs (another good band name)
After about 20 minutes or so, the Lionesses returned, and the cubs all scampered back to them, wanting to nurse. The lionesses quickly laid down to nurse the little ones.
nursing lionesses
It certainly was a very exciting outing, and we were all very excited. It's quite a rare opportunity to see lion cubs, especially so many together.
We took our evening break soon after in a nice clearing with some zebra nearby.
cocktails with the zebra
here's a nice photo of Pete & Richard, with the zebra behind them
Beautiful sunset
We arrived back at camp for a special surprise - we had an amazing dinner outside! So beautiful, and so special!
some of the amazing food prepared for our dinner
another great ending to another great day at Londolozi
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