I made a lot of adjustments - mostly in the face. I needed to elongate the face from where it was last week. I also added a lot more color to it the body, and worked on the shadows, etc., I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far. I think this may be my most favorite figure that I've painted so far.
It's funny, because in the original photo, the figure is extra long and skinny - that was all due to the optical illusion made by the water. I tried to recreate that look here on the painting. It's got a surreal, kind of eerie quality to it. I like that! :)
I also started to adjust the shadow a bit, but haven't done too much more than that.
I'll have a little more to do on the figure (adding more details), then I'll move to the shadow, then work on the pool itself. Dean suggested that we glaze the pool color next session to make it more vibrant.
more to come!
Pool Painting, Session 2
detail of the figure
Your art is incredible! Why am I not surprised that you're showcased in a gallery and on greeting cards already. Congratulations. Would you mind if I linked to your zazzle store from my blog?
Hi, Terri! I'd be delighted! here's the link: www.zazzle.com/trinachow*
Thank you!!
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