screenshot from my fundraising page
Dear Friends and Family,
Big, BIG News!! This afternoon, with the support of all of my generous sponsors, we surpassed a major milestone in my fundraising for the 2013 Immediate Impact Walk - we have raised more than $5,000!!! My goal for this year is $10,000, and I am just so happy that we are already more than half way there!
So far, we have raised $5,456.14!!!
This is such a HUGE milestone, and I am so grateful to all of you who have contributed towards my fund-raising efforts. You are all amazing, and I am continuously humbled by your generosity.
I've had several fundraisers this year including two glassybaby roadshows (which combined, raised $1,669.14) and the WGI Snark Jar (which raised $897). I've also set up a zazzle store, selling greeting cards and note cards of my recent oil paintings. 30% of the sales of each card will go towards my fundraising for the Immediate Impact Walk. (*) My thanks to all who have participated in any of these additional fundraisers.
I've already trained over 135 miles with my team during the last 2 months. I plan to add another 32 miles to that this weekend. We're training hard (with lots and LOTS of hills and stairs!) and working hard at fundraising to make sure that the 2013 Immediate Impact Walk is another huge success! We've incorporated site visits to two of our beneficiaries into our training walks, and will visit our third beneficiary in October. It has been such an honor to meet with the people who run these local nonprofits that provide assistance to low-income and under-served people with breast cancer. The work that they do is very impressive, very important, and very inspiring.
Last year's event enabled us to grant $90,000 to our three local beneficiaries; vital funds for these organizations that work hard everyday to remove barriers to treatment, care, services and offer hope to their clients. We are helping widen the safety net. Your donation makes it possible. Thank you!
The 2013 Immediate Impact Walk is October 18-20. We're just over 8 weeks away from the big event. There's still plenty of time to train and fundraise to meet all of our goals.
Thank you all again for your incredible support and generosity.
You've filled my heart and you've inspired me.
I am honored to be representing all of you when I walk in October.
With Love and Gratitude,
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