Sunday's Route
Sunday's 14-mile training walk was a great one! I think it's one of my favorites each year. We walk across the Golden Gate Bridge in the early morning and watch the sunrise. No matter what the weather (Sunday was VERY foggy!) it's always a majestic site and very special. There are fewer cars on the bridge at that time of the day, so you get to experience crossing the bridge in a very special way.
We walked all the way to Sausalito, and back. It's a great walk because there are so few stops along the way. When we walk through the City, we often stop at intersections and stop lights. This walk keeps us at a quicker pace because we have hardly any stops along the way. It's also fairly flat (in comparison to most walks in San Francisco) so that helps keep our stride and pace up as well.
We met at 6:30am, in the damp, cold and fog, and headed out.
The view of Crissy Field, day 2!
The "Welcome" steps at the Golden Gate Bridge Visitors Center
Sunrise through the fog from the Golden Gate Bridge
Linda took this neat photo of me while watching the sunrise on the Golden Gate Bridge. Thanks, Linda!
These two lovely ladies just got ENGAGED right before we passed them on the Golden Gate Bridge! Congratulations!!!
Walking through the fog on the Golden Gate Bridge
We eventually made our way to the other side of the bridge, and had our first break at the Vista Point
The sun rising over a fog-covered San Francisco
a panorama shot of the fog-covered Bay - from Alcatraz to the Golden Gate Bridge
Finally - the sun came out once we walked into Marin!
Monica, Lizelle, Marie, Judy and Beatrice
The Sausalito Art Fair is this coming weekend. We walked through the area where all the tents are set up. It was a little eerie - like a Zombie Apocalypse movie! You know, where it's a place where a lot of people are supposed to be, only.... it's completely empty! (no one gets my humor. Except my husband. I showed him my pictures, and he completely agreed)
Zombie Apocalypse Scene
Hurray - we made it to our 7-mile, half-way point - Mollie Stones in Sausalito!!
The group at the half-way point - Mollie Stones in Sausalito!
photo by Linda Imlay
The sun was out and shining all the way back to the bridge. Unfortunately, none of us thought to put on sunscreen when we left our houses that morning when it was still dark, cold, foggy and wet. Oops! We all came back with various tan lines and burns. :(
Back at the Vista Point - the sun is out, but the fog is still covering San Francisco
The weather was pretty odd at this point - it was warm (warm enough for me to be down to a tank top) but still foggy, and a little humid! It looked much colder than it was.
this photo doesn't quite do justice to the amount of fog that was still lingering as we crossed back over the Bridge
It was a foggy, but unusually beautiful day back in San Francisco. Kind of surreal, really. The air was clear, and it was warm, but there was still a lot of fog. We came back to Crissy Field, and were struck by the vibrant colors of the Bay and the grass, and the contrast of the misty/foggy Cityscape in the background. Reminded me of the old Mac computer game, "Myst". (I'm obviously on some weird Sci-Fi kick!
Vibrant colors and shroud of fog in Crissy Field
with the sculptures, the Palace of Fine Arts, and the fog, it totally looks like a scene out of "Myst", doesn't it?!
We made record time - back by 12:15! What a fantastic weekend of walking - 32 miles DONE!
Sunday's Walk Stats
A bunch of people headed out to Off the Grid (food trucks!) after our walk. I wasn't able to make it this time, but I couldn't help but snap a photo of Lizelle - all geared up, and ready to go!
Lizelle, having just walked 32-miles in two days - prepared with flip-flops and a lawn chair - ready to hit Off the Grid!
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