We just reached and exceeded our $100,000 event fundraising goal for the Immediate Impact Breast Cancer Walk!!!
This is exciting news on so many levels. The euphoric high that I experienced all weekend long during our event continues!
One month ago, on September 4, we had reached $50,000. That was a HUGE milestone for us.
Today, exactly one month later, our event reached our $100,000 goal. That's $50,000 raised in one month. Unbelievable.
The entire team just received this email from our event founders/board members, Linda and Marcia. It's so well written, and I couldn't say it any better, so I asked Linda if I could share it here on my blog:
We are the little walk that could! AND WE DID! Congratulations everyone… We just surpassed the $100,000 fundraising mark!
Our small but mighty group of 24 walkers and 8 volunteer crew share this tremendous accomplishment with huge gratitude to our donors, sponsors, families and friends for their tireless and generous support. This success would not have been possible without the contributions of so many people giving wholeheartedly to this project.
"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life." -Greg Anderson
Much love and gratitude,
Linda & Marcia
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