Yesterday evening, we had a new (to me, at least) model, whom I very much enjoyed drawing.
She was an older model, compared to the others that we've had, which lends towards a very different body type for drawing. She was very lean, and had beautifully long legs. I kept thinking I was exaggerating them when I drew, but then I'd look up, and realize that nope, he legs really were that long. :)
She wore a turban-like cloth over her head. I'm not sure if that helped me or not, but I suspect it did. It seems I was able to capture her face a lot better than most models. Perhaps it was because I didn't have to worry about drawing in an entire head? Her facial features were also very striking and defined, which again, was easier for me to grasp than usual. I'm not saying that I actually drew her face well, but I will say that this grouping had the best faces that I've probably done so far.
I've been trying to experiment using different charcoal pencils. I've been using 2B, 4B, 6B, and occasionally, a white charcoal pencil. I'm trying to add some variety in the drawings and shadowing.
The first drawing is probably my favorite of the night. It's a seven-minute pose. I didn't have time to finish her head/face, but maybe that's a good thing. What I like about it is the motion that I think was captured, and the length of her legs and arms. I also like the simplicity of this drawing.
7-minute pose
7-minute pose
This next drawing was a 10-minute pose. It was the first time that I've drawn in a face and thought, "hey - that actually kind of looks like her!". Yay. I think her head may be a little small for her body, but I'll take it. Again, I like the simplicity of the drawing here, and the length of her limbs.
10-minute pose
I like the rendering of this next one. It was the first 20-minute pose of the evening. I call it my "pin-up girl" drawing. :) I like that her face looks softer in this drawing. That doesn't usually happen in my faces.
20-minute pose
Here's a fine example of how I can make the face look too strong. Her facial features were very defined, and I wasn't able to soften them very well in this drawing.
20-minute pose
I generally have a harder time with reclining poses than I do with with poses that are standing. I think this one turned out okay. I had lots of time to play with the various shadows and lights.
20-minute pose
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