Friend to Friend is an amazing boutique at UCSF's Mount Zion, which provides wigs, mastectomy bras, swimsuits, wig trims and beauty makeovers to cancer patients. They offer their services to low income, under insured, and uninsured patients.
Friend to Friend was one of the 3 beneficiaries of the 2012 Immediate Breast Cancer Walk. They asked our Board Members, Linda and Marcia to come, and also invited any of our walkers and support staff. They asked Linda to speak about our Walk, and Marcia was one of the models in the fashion show!
There were 8 of us who were able to come to represent our event. It was a really nice way to spend the afternoon together, and realize that we all look much different when we dress up and wear make-up, than when we dress in workout clothes and ponytails for our training walks. :)
Our table for the Immediate Impact Breast Cancer Walk
Marcia, all made up and looking glamorous!
Marcia, Catriona, Sharla, Sandy, Linda, Tina and Nicole
Linda did a wonderful job with her speech. She told the history of our walking team, which she formed 10 years ago, which has now raised more than $3 million dollars. She went into a little bit of detail about how many of us decided not to participate in the Koman 3Day walk this year, and how she and Marcia organized a grass-roots event that would benefit breast cancer organizations locally. As of this morning we have raised more than $108,000 (and still growing!). At least 80% of that will go towards our beneficiaries, including Friend to Friend.
She described how she had gone to the Fall Fashion Frenzy event last year, and how she was so taken by the work that they do for local cancer patients, and how it inspired her to try to find a way to give back locally.
Linda was very poised and well spoken, but also spoke from the heart and was very inspiring. She encouraged the people in the room to give big towards at this fundraiser, and challenged them to find a way to make a difference in any way that they could. She got a standing ovation from the room.
Linda, speaking.
After Linda spoke, we were served our desserts, and they started the live-auction potion of the event.
The big ticket item was a villa in Hawaii for 7 nights. I can't remember all of the details, but it had 3 master suites, and I believe sleeps more than 8 people. It was valued at $5,000.
The bidding during the live auction was a bit of a frenzy, and escalated all the way past $4,500 or so when it was finished.
...and then the most amazing thing happened...
The woman who was the high bidder for the villa in Hawaii said that she wanted to give it to "the young lady who just spoke".
It took a few seconds to realize that she meant Linda.
I think Linda was in a state of shock and disbelief for the next several minutes, and the rest of us sitting at the table were in tears. It was the most generous act of kindness I think I've ever witnessed. What an amazing moment that was, and we're all so happy for Linda, and grateful to the very generous woman who gifted the trip to her. :)
After we had all dried our eyes, it was time for the fashion show! There were about a dozen models or so, and they each came out a couple of times to model their outfits.
Marcia's first outfit was a gorgeous red top, which looked stunning on her.
Marcia, coming towards the stage
Marcia, looking like a pro!
Marcia's second outfit was a fantastic leopard print dress that looked absolutely stunning on her.
Walking the catwalk
Marcia, working that gorgeous dress!
I was so happy to have been able to attend today's fundraiser, and I had a great time. Congratulations again to Marcia and Linda, for the recognition of all of their hard work and dedication!!
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